Traditional Making of Ramadhan Lanterns by IMAS Students - 31 March 2021

Every year, our students make the Ramadhan lanterns (fanus) and decorate the school to welcome the blessed month of Ramadhan. It's amazing how the decorations have the ability to create such a great delightful atmosphere and joyful mood throughout the month. Decorations are especially important for children, teaching them about the month and making them love and anticipate it every year. It was a happy day for all, both children and adults alike.

A RemarKABLe day indeed...

Today was a remarkable day as we decorated our school to welcome the blessed month of Ramadan. I got to learn how to make lanterns in a contrasting way than the usual ones; this taught me not to think quotidianly but to think in a dynamic way. A significant experience was that we were able to hang the lanterns we made in the corridors following the SOP, which disciplined us to make things fast and easy and to be responsible for what we do. Looking forward for many activities like this!

- Fathima Rifhath - 9A1

The Best Version of Myself

Today, we welcomed the holy month of Ramadan with open arms and bonding activities. We crafted many colourful lanterns in honor of the month of repentance and forgiveness. I am beyond excited and hopeful to be the best version of myself.

- Leen Fadi, 9A2

Hanging paper LAnterns

Today's activity was very entertaining and fun to us. We learnt how to make paper lanterns. I enjoyed goofing around with my classmates while making them together. I think IMAS should hold more activities like this for the enjoyment of the students.

- Lily Maryam, 9A1


Ramadan, the most sacred month of the year. A time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement and heightened devotion and worship. As this harmonious month approaches, we students, teachers and staff here at IMAS also steadily prepare to create the atmosphere for Ramadan. All of the classes of year 1-12 were tasked with creating Ramadan lanterns, to be hung outside of our classrooms and all over our campus. Everyone was given the opportunity to let their creativity burn bright, to display the Picasso in them. It was a change of spirit for everyone, what would have usually been a soothe, dull and serious day had turned into something memorable, a great shift in mood. Everyone giving each other a helping hand. The hallways lit up with bright colours, alluring, flashy coloured lanterns occupied the corridors. It was truly dazzling, everyone was filled with a sense of peace and satisfaction. We, the students did this, showing proper cooperation and dedication. In the end that’s what Ramadan is about; people coming together, helping each other and sharing liveliness with others. A positively marvelous experience. May every one of us embrace all the opportunities this month of blessings has to offer.

Ariff, 9A3


Every second, every minute and we inching closer to Ramadhan. Only thirteen days left! During this time we must get ready and make arrangements. IMAS has already started with its decorations to welcome the blessed month of Ramadhan.

Yesterday on the thirty-first of March, all IMAS students prepared paper lanterns. Later they were hung up on the walls leaving the hallways of IMAS filled with color, delight, and an embrace of Ramadhan.

Walking through the hallways filled me with joy and glee. Seeing how teamwork allowed us to create such elegant decorations warmed my heart. It was a wondrous feeling, the feeling that Ramadhan is just around the corner.

Yousef Nahg - 8A5


As Ramadhan is upon us, we would like to start off by wishing you all a blessed Ramadhan. This holy month is when we truly take the time to reflect on ourselves and our relationship with Allah. It’s crucial to have the right intentions going into this holy month. Make sure that everything you do, you have full iman that Allah is listening and will grant you what you wish for. Take the time to create good habits in Ramadan that you can maintain during the year. Be reasonable and know your limits to truly create effective and sustainable habits.

Reman Ali Alluqmani 10A2


The spirit and joy of IMAS has hit a new record as Ramadhan rapidly approaches. We are excited to be filling our school with festive lanterns "fanoos" with hearty nasheeds. Of course this year, the change is immense due to Covid 19. Nonetheless, we will make this time count as much as possible with our loved ones by our side. Ahalan bika ya Ramadhan, we welcome this time of year with open arms.

Ruba Gamal, 10A1

...اللهم بلغنا رمضان

Ramadan is on its doors, and our school wasted no time preparing for it. There was an activity last Wednesday, 31 March 2021, where we made lanterns as Ramadan decorations. While making the lanterns,my friends and 1, if not all the students in the school, felt the deep urge and the motivation to change ourselves for the better during this holy month. Most of us were unexpectedly participative and efficient in making the lanterns. I feel that repeating this tradition every year will improve students' way of participating in group activities as well as motivate all people, including teachers and staff to improve themselves. The thing that I like the most about this is how we do these activities as a group, with syncronised thoughts, that indicates the true intention of welcoming Ramadan.

Gameel Abduljalil, 10A4


The lanterns are very pretty, very bright, creative, colourful and festive. They bring the Ramadan spirit. I am proud of how it turned out, cutely dazzling and satisfying for the eyes.

Suci Hanum (Grade 5A1)


When I made Ramadan lanterns, I felt excited because Ramadan is a special month because it makes you feel closer to Allah and also gives you a lot of hasanat (rewards).

Ayesha Omairah, 5A1


Ramadan is coming up next week, so my class teacher, Miss Saba decided we should make Ramadan decorations for our class. She gave us colour papers and told us to start making them! It was a bit hard to make them but in the end it was worth it. We hung the decorations on the walls of our classroom and it was beautiful. The whole class made plenty of the decorations, with different colours mixed together, I really enjoyed making them and it made our class much brighter and more festive. And it also excited us about Ramadan coming next week.

Abdullah Fadi, 5A3


The most special month of Ramadan is coming, bringing Allah’s mercy and forgiveness. It is the month of Salah and Dua’a. The devils are chained so it is our best chance to seek Allah’s forgiveness. Let us welcome Ramadan! May Allah give us strength to sacrifice our food and hunger. May we stay away from bad deeds.

Fatima Shehzad, 5A1


Ramadan is a holy month because Rasulullah received the Holy Quran in this month. So, IMAS decided to make Ramadan lanterns. The lanterns are so beautiful for their shape, size, colour and texture. This month is also a beneficial month because it can save us from hellfire.

Al Moid, 6A1

رمضان شهر الصيام والطاعة والغفران.. شهر مبارك يأتينا في كل عام فنفرح ونستبشر ونسعد بقدومه وفي هذه السنة ٢٠٢١ استقبلنا رمضان بفرح ووجوهٍ مستبشرةٍ حين قررت مدرستنا إقامة نشاط لجميع الطلاب بجعلهم يصنعون فوانيس من الورق تبهر من يراها وتكون استقبالاً رائعاً لهذا الشهر الكريم. قمت بهذا النشاط أنا وزملائي في الصف نساعد بعضنا في صنع الفوانيس الجميلة ونحن في قمة الفرح والسعادة أشكر إدارة المدرسة على هذه الفكرة الرائعة وشهر مبارك لكم جميعًا.

Lojain Mohammed Abdulmalek Abdulraheem, 6A3


I was so happy when I found out that Ramadan is in three days. I was so excited when we were doing the decorations in our school. One of the best moments in Ramadan is when I sit together for iftar with my dad, my mum, and my siblings.

Muna Muneef from Creativity (ELIC)

صنع الفوانيس في موسم شهر رمضان المبارك هو احد المظاهر الشعبية في الدول الاسلامية, ويشارك في صناعته مجموعة من الناس ليشعروا بأجواء رمضان ويستقبلوه استقبالا حارا. أما عن نفسي فقد استمتعت كثيرا عند صناعته واجتاحتني فرحة عارمة في انتظار قدوم الشهر المبارك بفارغ الصبر فاللهم بارك لنا في شعبان وبلغنا رمضان وتقبل منا الصيام والقيام.

Hajer Abdulfatah Abushagur, 6A4


When I was crafting the lantern I felt a sudden heartwarming emotion. It was more extraordinary. That feeling was the feeling of joy and excitement. Because when I was crafting the lantern I thought of Ramadan the days where we will be worshipping Allah more than any other time during the year.

Xiangrui Ma, 6A5

أحسست عند صنع الفانوس بأن رمضان قريب ويجب التخطيط و التجهيز لها. فبدأت ازين بیتي و استعد للصوم. و ايضا احسست و رایت نفسي مسرورة عند بداية رمضان و شمت رائحتها الطیبة. كنت فرحة ومسرورة لقدوم شهر الصوم و الشهر الذي أنزل فيه القرآن.

Mobina Ahrari, 6A5

رمضان سوف يأتي، ويجب علينا الاستعداد. و استعدادنا لقدومه بتزيين المنازل والشوارع بالفوانيس الجميلة. تشعر حينما تصنع الفانوس بالسعادة الجميله، سوف تشعر أكثر بالسعادة حينما تصنع الفانوس بنفسك وتقوم بتعليقه والتزيين سترى الجمال الذي صنعته.

Abdulrahman Mohammed Mufadhal, 6A5