Wednesday Ramadhan Lectures
WedNesday Ramadhan lecture by ISLAMIYAT TEACHERS - 7 april 2021
Every Wednesday, class teachers conduct a slot called Character Education during the first period. Character Education is the time where teachers educate students on how to interact with society through the teaching of core virtues such as gratitude, forgiveness, kindness and integrity to form character. On this very day, we had Ustaz Azhar and Ustazah Sharmila give a special lecture on Ramadhan to prepare students for the holy month of Ramadhan. Two students were also invited to share their experience of the Ramadhan preparation.
Live your life like every day is Ramadan and the Akhirah will become your Eid. When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of heaven are opened and the gates of hell are closed and the devils are chained. Ramadan is the month of blessing and forgiveness. Let's give it all we've got to go to the last step and ask his forgiveness.
Thinuli, 6A1
Ramadhan is the holiest month for Muslims. All Muslim countries celebrate Ramadan. One of the most important things for Muslims to do in Ramadan is to get closer to Allah. Ramadan is the month of goodwill and the season of mercy, in which rewards increase and good deeds multiply. Therefore, it’s only natural for Muslims to rejoice at the arrival of this great month.
Fatima Fares from Trust (ELIC)
Every Muslim in this world looks forward to the holy month of Ramadan. In this month, there are many things you can do to get closer to Allah. You have to try to supplicate and pray as much as you can, starting early in the morning and ending late at night. Praying during the early hours before dawn and after each Salah is especially good.
Abdulgasem Alhussien from Trust (ELIC)
The most special month of Ramadan is coming and bringing Allah’s mercy and forgiveness. It is the month of Salah and Dua’a. The devils are chained so it is our best chance to seek Allah’s forgiveness. Let us welcome Ramadan! May Allah give us strength to sacrifice our food and hunger. May we stay away from the devil.
Fatima Shehzad, 5A1